Podcast Episodes

Kimberley Warren

#055 The Ho Ho Ho Issue

Welcome to Ep 55, where Rhys steals monolith news, Dan speaks of pole vaulting defectors and Buttons brings the tone down with sad satellite dish news. Also, you'll learn about a never to be seen cryptid exhibition; hear about an incessant, muffled Santa; and enjoy yet more Bigfoot braiding! Yay!   The Cryptid Factor · #055 The Ho Ho Ho Issue

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Kimberley Warren

#056 The Utter Chaos Issue

Just as the title says, this has to be the messiest, most chaos ridden episode in quite some time. Arguments about re-caps, pre-caps and updates, disagreements about a cat being a dog or a cat-dog... oh and Buttons gets kicked off the Internet and is relegated to a privileged listener. Also, more on the monolith craze, retired Israeli security chief giving the goss on UFOs and the dying art of Iron crotched kung-fu. Wowzers!  The Cryptid Factor · #056 The Utter Chaos Issue

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